Elektrim Motors
by Cantoni Motor
The shared history and long-standing tradition in design and production of electric motors by Elektrim Motors and Cantoni Motor Group:
Elektrim Motors
Elektrim Motor factories have been producing AC electric motors with great success for many years. The original four Polish factories, still in operation today, were independent producers of electric motors up to World War II. After the war, in 1945, the companies became state-owned enterprises. Control over production and export sales in these factories was held by the Polish Foreign Trade Company for Electrical Equipment Ltd., "Elektrim SA".

Poland to the USA
The Polish factories continued to produce electric motors under the Elektrim Motors brand name for many years and were sold worldwide. In 1973, Elektrim Motors were introduced in United States. The Elektrim Motors brand subsequently established a reputation for being powerful, precision-engineered electric motors for tough applications in demanding industries across the USA and Canada.
Elektrim Motors by Cantoni Motor
Later, as a result of the reforms, political changes and restructuring in Poland in the 1980's, the companies were privatized. In 2000, shares of the companies were bought under the name Cantoni Group. Since then, original and genuine Polish-built Elektrim Motors, from the original four factories in Poland, are manufactured under the dual brand "Elektrim" and "Cantoni".
Elektrim Motors by Cantoni Motor (Headquarters and International Sales Office of Cantoni Group) are made and sold exclusively in the United States by our Elektrim Motors group in Elgin, Illinois USA. The original trade company, Elektrim SA, still exists and continues operation, albeit not in the field of electric motors.